Sericornis citreogularis  

Yellow-throated Scrubwren (Sericornis citreogularis)
click photo for larger image
© Larry Dunis 2009
Maleny, QLD (Jan, 2009)

Though rated as being common I seem to see this bird far less than the White-browed Scrubwren. As in this photo, they're normally seen foraging in leaf litter on the rainforest floor.

They often mimic the calls of other birds.

Yellow-throated Scrubwren (Sericornis citreogularis)

Yellow-throated Scrubwren

Yellow-throated Scrubwren (Sericornis citreogularis)

Yellow-throated Scrubwren

Yellow-throated Scrubwren (Sericornis citreogularis)

Yellow-throated Scrubwren

Yellow-throated Scrubwren (Sericornis citreogularis)

Yellow-throated Scrubwren

Yellow-throated Scrubwren (Sericornis citreogularis)

Yellow-throated Scrubwren

Yellow-throated Scrubwren (Sericornis citreogularis)

Yellow-throated Scrubwren

Yellow-throated Scrubwren (Sericornis citreogularis)

Yellow-throated Scrubwren